
When the cities were loud

During the last 11 months ago, I’ve had the lucky to start a collaboration for sound design of this movie “Tigrar” by Ronnie Sandahl.

A biopic movie based on Martin Bengtsson’s book In the Shadow of San Siro, published in 2007.

Like sound story teller has been weird editing my sounds to create a soundscape showing the city of Milan, the location where set the film, during these silences days due COVID-19.

A city, Milan, normally so loud.

I want share some my notes about sound design for this film, without spoiler, just to reflect at our job like sound story teller.

I hope we’ll come back to enjoy our lives more wisely and we’ll go to the movies.

to Download notes:


Capturing the sound
Some pictures around the Italy recording the sound to tell the film story. Recording dialects shouts, soundscape, effects and San Siro Roar!

ORTF Sennheiser pair MKH 8040 & recorder Sound Devices 744

Sennheiser MKH 418-S & recorder MixPre-3

ORTF Sennheiser pair MKH 8040 & recorder Sound Devices 744

Sennheiser MKH 418-S & recorder MixPre-3. Recording Alfa Romeo GTV. Inside car, recorder Zoom H2 with internal mic

Sennheiser MKH 418-S & recorder MixPre-3

DPA 4071 & Recorder MixPre-3 recording Alfa Romeo GTV

Tascam DR-40 with internal mic XY and pair capsules Primo EM172