Categoria: thoughts

  • Who – oØ- sh!

    I recently attended a Masterclass with the “Guru” sound designer Randy Thom at the Danish Film School. It was incredibly inspiring to go through Randy’s entire career and discuss sound design for film. We watched many sequences from films, accompanied by in-depth talks and analysis. One important point it touched me and I would like…

  • Contemporary sound design in object based cinema

    A week ago, I attended the “Sonic Days” seminar sponsored by Dolby at Sonic College in Kolding, Denmark. It was truly inspiring to meet other talented sound designers from various fields, including cinema, music, live theater, gaming, radio, and other media. The seminar featured different sessions and showcased new audio technologies. One common theme ran…

  • Poetry in recording and mixing sound

    I would like remember Federico Savina says by this piece of interview I found it on internet from 2010 (it´s in Italian), translated in English. “From my point of view you just have to discover and understand the diversity that arises with change and this is part of the game of life or perception that…

  • Music composition in sound design

    In this past weekend I attended, with so many other sound designer colleagues, an inspiring and really interesting seminar: “Sound Storytelling in modern cinema and streaming” at Danish Film School. A fantastic and great event to confront and inspiring each other. One of the topic was about the musicality and composition there is on building…

  • The theatrical “aura” experience

    I´ve just come back from the opening of an exposition: “Matisse: The Red Studio” in Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen. In my mind I thought at Walter Benjamin in “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”: The technical reproduction of sound was tackled at the end of the last century. These convergent…

  • The film method

    A statement Sound, treated as new montage element (as a factor divorced from the visual image), will inevitably introduce new means of enormous power to the expression and solution of the most complicated tasks that now oppress us with the impossibility of overcoming them by means of an imperfect film method, working only with visual…

  • Hearing the images

    “La fantasia, l’invenzione, la creatività pensano; l’immaginazione vede” “Fantasy, invention, creativity think; imagination sees” Bruno Munari Imagination doesn’t only see, but also feels and hears what we see. I think often we attributed at imagination a vision role linked to the images and not what we hear and feel.  

  • Sights and sounds our language

    Speaking Cinema The Cinema and the reproduction of sound recordings have just almost then 100 years; in fact, so quickly it’s become our human language as art and music also. We built, unconsciously, a new language for tell stories in motion pictures with sights and sounds. It’s still so young comparing at all others arts…

  • The desire of sound in films

    Since of beginning of cinema we felt the desire of sound in films experimenting with our technologies of that time. In fact the “Kinetoscopes were equipped with sound reproducing attachments and earphones. The Lumière Brothers themselves took a patent on a purely theoretical proposal to synchronise the cinématographe with a phonograph in 1896.””1 There were,…

  • Silencio

    “If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet… maybe we could understand something.”   Federico Fellini